Learn by watching as we walk you through how to play a game of Werewolf with your friends.

Are you devious enough? Start your next game night off with this must-have party game!

Werewolf is a great party game. You need at least 7 people to play. Gather up your village, and let's setup your character deck.
An odd number of players works best, although it's not mandatory.

Every player gets a character card. You always have 1 Moderator, 1 Seer, 1 Doctor, and 2 Werewolves. The rest of the players should all be Villagers.
Have more than 15 players? Add a Werewolf for every 4 players.

Once you have a complete character deck, shuffle and deal them out face down. Each player should look at their card, but they must keep it a secret.
Learn more about characters, including special ones on Character Roles page.
The game alternates between Night and Day rounds, starting with the Night. At the start of Night, the Moderator tells all players, "Close your eyes." Everyone begins slapping their knees (or table) to cover up any noises of the Night. Then, the moderator prompts the following characters to wake up one by one....

The moderator says, "Werewolves, open your eyes" The Werewolves do so, and look around to recognize one another. The Moderator should also note who the Werewolves are.

The Moderator says "Werewolves, choose someone to kill" The Werewolves, while still slapping their knees, silently agree on 1 person by pointing, all other players remain with their eyes closed.

When the Werewolves have agreed on a victim, and the Moderator understands who they picked, the Moderator says, "Werewolves, close your eyes."

The Moderator awakens the Doctor and says, "Doctor, who would you like to heal?" The Doctor can select anyone they'd like to keep alive, hopefully not wasting their ability on a Werewolf.

The Doctor points to who they'd like to heal, confirming with the Moderator. The person chosen, which could be themself, will survive if the Werewolves chose the same player to kill.

After the Doctor confirms with the Moderator, the Doctor goes back to sleep. If someone was killed, and then saved by the Doctor, the Moderator will let the Village know by saying, "Someone has been saved", at the beginning of the Day.

The moderator says "Seer, open your eyes. Seer, pick someone to ask about." The Seer opens their eyes and silently points at another player.

The moderator silently signs thumbs-up if the seer pointed at a Werewolf, and thumbs-down if the Seer pointed at a Villager.

The Seer now has information they can use to persuade the Village. The Moderator then says, "Seer, close your eyes" and the Seer goes back to sleep.
The moderator says, "Everybody open your eyes; it's now daytime" and then announces who has been killed (or saved) last night. If someone was killed, that person is immediately out of the game, and they do not reveal their character.

On the first day, go around and have everyone introduce themselves. For example, "Hey, I'm Matt. I'm the baker here in town, and I'm a Villager." You do not have to give away your real identity.

Players discuss who they think are the Werewolves. Who's telling the truth or lying to survive? Characters may choose to share or withhold information they've discovered, but be careful, you may become a target.

If someone is accused, and the accusation is supported by a second player, the accused gets 30 seconds to defend themselves, and then it's put up to a vote to decide their fate.

After a player has had a chance to defend themselves, a vote is held to decide whether or not to kill off the player. A majority vote is needed to do so. If not, the Village discussion continues.

To keep the game moving along, you can put a time limit for reach day, and if the village doesn't chose someone to kill, they miss their opportunity. Five minutes is recommend for daytime.

Once a player is voted to be killed or the time limit has expired for the Day, Night begins again. If certain characters have been killed off, they are still "woken up" in order to conceal their identities.

The Villagers win and saved the Village if they kill all of the Werewolves.

The Werewolves win if the number of Werewolves equal the number of Villagers left.